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Education for children

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-07-11 - 所在栏目: 英语作文
对小孩的教育(education for children)[br] in some countries, there are children who are educated by their parents at home instead of being taught by teachers at school. do you think this is a good or bad idea? think of its advantages and disadvantages. [br] with the development of society, it is more easy and convenient for us to study home by ourselves. and many parents educate their children at home instead of at school. there are advantages and disadvantages for both ways. [br] the main reason why parents choose to teach their children at home is that it is a good method to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. for every child has different hobbies and talent, teaching them at home can help them find and develop their being genius effectively. [br] on the other hand, the healthy overall development of a child attributes to many integrated factors. some extracurricular activities are beneficial supplement to be classroom instruction. and if children are encouraged to attend only academic activities, their overall development will inevitably be hindered. their individualities and originalities will undoubtedly be impaired, because our society a diversified one. children should be encouraged to get in touch with various aspects as society to attain a more comprehensive knowledge. [br] so in my opinion, it is better to teach children by teacher at school. [br] 对小孩的教育 [br] 在一些国家,有的小孩不是在学校由老师授课来接受教育而是选择在家由他们的家长自己来教。你认为这样的想法好还是不妥?说说优缺点。 [br] 随着社会的发展,我们越来越方便在家中自己学习接受教育。很多家长选择让自己的小孩在家中学习而不是去学校。这有优缺两方面。 [br] 父母选择在家中自己教育孩子的主要原因是他们可以因材施教。因为每个小孩都有自己不同的爱好和才能,在家中接受教育可以完全的发挥他们的聪明才智。 [br] 另一方面,小孩健康全面的发展归于各方面能力的开发。一些有益的课外活动有利于必修课程的补充。如果只鼓励他们学习课本上的东西,他们就不可能得到全面的发展。 他们自己的个性和创意就毫无疑问的会削弱,因为我们的社会是一个多元化的社会。应该鼓励孩子们多接触社会上各种各样的事物来达到更多的全面的知识。 [br] 因此,我的观点是,让小孩到学校接受老师的教育更好!

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