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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-03-06 - 所在栏目: 英语动态

  late into the night, students diligently rehearse exam questions at dozens of schools in downtown brasilia that offer people the chance for a better, more prosperous life--that of a brazilian bureaucrat.
  generous pay, stability, and often easy hours will attract applications from as many as 10 million people this year for civil service jobs. brazilians often refer to getting a government job as catching the "train of happiness."
  in brazil, civil servants do very well, as the many luxurious homes with pools, servants and shiny cars in the capital brasilia's residential areas show.
  there are an average of 700 applicants per job and some candidates study for years to pass an entry exam.

  the problem is that brazil's bloated public sector is a burden on business and the economy, leaving little money to invest in education or infrastructure. rather than slashing jobs, the government is adding more.
  despite an economic boom in recent years, brazil ranks poorly in international competitiveness comparisons, due mostly to an unwieldy state apparatus that consumes about 38 percent of gross domestic product.
  an accountant or administrator in one of the gray-green ministries that flank the main avenue of brasilia's government quarters can earn more than 10,000 reais a month, or roughly 20 times the minimum wage.
  a police inspector or public prosecutor can bring home twice as much, the equivalent of around $150,000 a year. in contrast, brazil's per capita national income stands well below $10,000 annually.
  in addition, most civil servants cannot be fired unless they break the law and many receive pensions worth 100 percent of their last salary upon retirement.

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