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非洲发现5颗大钻 最大重达136克拉

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-09-03 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
 according to the miningweekly.com of august 31, five large gemstones were found in south africa and they weigh up to 507 carats。

  these gemstones were found in a mine in cape town, south africa. the largest stone is a 136-carat clean white octahedral one which is as large as an orange. and there are other four stones, weighing 58 carats, 69.26 carats, 82 carats and 104 carats respectively, said james duncan , spokesperson of petra diamonds company。

  国外网站 "the miningweekly.com" 8月31日报道,南非发现了5颗超大钻石,总重达507克拉。


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