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 当前位置:英语网 >> 雅思 > 8月8日华东师范大学考生的口试更正信息通知 请输入关键字:


http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-08-07 - 所在栏目: 雅思



考号从28594 到 28783的考生的口试安排在8月6日华东师范大学文科楼考点;

考号从 28784 到 29003的考生的口试安排在8月6日华东师范大学心理实验室考点;

考号从29004到29160 的考生的口试安排在8月7日华东师范大学文科楼考点;

考号从 29161 到 29342 的考生的口试安排在8月7日华东师范大学心理实验室考点

若您此前收到的短信内容与网上的查询结果不一致, 请以网上查到的信息为准。

对此造成的不便, 我们深表歉意, 敬请谅解!

important notice to candidates registered for 8 august 2009 in ecnu (east china normal university).

the interview time for candidates registered for the august 8th 2009 test at east china normal university test venue will be arranged for thursday & friday (august 6th&7th 2009). unfortunately, for some candidates the interview time and venue information previously sent by sms is incorrect.

please check the correct interview time and venue on the ielts registration website. if the information you received via sms doesn’t match the information on the website, please refer to the website.

arrangement details are as below:

candidate number 28594 to 28783, interviews are scheduled at wen ke building on 6 august,

candidate number 28784 to 29003, interviews are scheduled at psychological building on 6 august,

candidate number 29004 to 29160, interviews are scheduled at wen ke building on 7 august,

candidate number 29161 to 29342, interviews are scheduled at psychological building on7 august,

we apologize for the inconvenience may cause to you.

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