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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-07-17 - 所在栏目: 英语听力
  [/p] [p]在你把你所记下来的符号转化成英文的时候,一定要注意在书写方面一定要注意以下方面: [/p] [p]一、单词拼写不能漏掉字母,一定要确保正确。二、单词的字母大小写不容忽视。三、不要出现时态错误,八大时态基本是在听力中。已经发现错的较多是在动词上尤其是完成时态。动词有可能是一个过去分词形式,因为过去分词可能会读得很轻,不易听来,但这可以根据上下文语法知识判断出来。四、不要出现名词单复数错误。名词的单复数表达有可能会在听音中听不出来,但是检查卷面时一定要弄准确了,即使没听出来,也可根据上下文,坚持主谓一致原则;五、所有格知识,the world’s largest island,世界上最大的岛屿,这个根据语法知识能够判断出来;六、不要留空白处,充分利用改卷人的心理,蒙也得蒙上。 [/p] [p]备考四级级只能是为一场战役作了准备,但对英语的学习这门语言来说你最终想要达到的目的是要驾于利用这门语言,为你自己创造更好的前途和机会。可以说应该把提高听力作为你主要的努力方向,提高听力要从语音开始,通过刚才给同学分析的复合式听写和听写填空这两个类型题的分析,不难发现不管是语音空还是语法空,最主要的是你要适应英语语音发音的模式及特点。 [/p] [p]若说在听完讲义后还不知道从何做起的话,那你现在努力的方向就是从语音开始抓起。很多教授都提倡从语音学起是提高英语的最主要环节,通过前边总结的各种语音规律,不断掌握,使用,实践用各种方式,把听、说、读、写不断强化训练最终形成自身的能力,对于参加各类考试就可以迎刃而解了。希望我的讲解能够帮助同学顺利通过考试。同时,在提高英语听力的情况下最终提高英语的整体水平和能力。 [/p] [p]答案:s1 over s2 constantly s3 mechanism s4 maintain s5 overall s6 normal s7 increase s8 it can be influenced by a variety of factors, including how much we weigh or how that weight is distributed. s9 similar findings have also been reported at the high school level, mainly with female students. s10 the primary cause of this concern is the value that american society in general assigns to(赋予) physical appearance. [/p] [p]好了,在此预祝大家考试取得好成绩! [/p] [p][/p] [p][/p] [p][/p] [p][/p] [p][b]已经考过的听写词 [/b][/p] [p]additional architecture artificial average boring cancer coupled [/p] [p]crossed describe despite destroyed distant emotionally ensure [/p] [p]established experiences familiar focused historical increasingly[/p] [p] instruments investigated mysterious normal percent perhaps [/p] [p]permitted popular prints quality recommend relatively retirement[/p] [p] romantic ruining species success typical uniform value variety world's [/p] [p][/p] [p][b]可能写错的[/b][b]四六级[/b][b] 听写词 [/b][/p] [p]acceptable accidentally acquire amateur apparent architecture argument [/p] [p]artificial calendar campaign cance1 changeable column committed [/p] [p]conscience conscientious definite(ly) discipline drunkenness emotionally equipment [/p] [p]established exceed existence experience foreign grateful guarantee [/p] [p]height humorous ignorance indispensable instruments intelligence investigated [/p] [p]judgment leisure library lightning maintenance neighbor occasionally [/p] [p]pastime preserve personnel possession precede principal principle [/p] [p]privilege questionnaire receive/receipt recommend referred relevant restaurant [/p] [p]rhyme schedule threshold twelfth until vacuum weather/whether [/p]

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