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悠然自乐 chillaxin

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-09-02 - 所在栏目: 趣味短语

       最近,网上特别流行一个词,chillaxin,好像很多外国朋友都喜欢用这个词表达自己休假时的状态。在msn上遇到了,问一句:“how are you doing?”,回答多是:“fine, just chillaxin!”。那么这个词到底描述的是什么样的一种状态呢?

chillaxin is a portmanteau of chillin’ and relaxin’, refers to an extreme state of contentedness.


when we say that you are chillaxin, we mean that you are releasing yourself from inhibition, worry, tension, etc. to kick back, take it easy.


for example:

this weekend i took it real easy and was just chillaxin' from friday night to sunday night.


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