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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-03-12 - 所在栏目: 趣味短语

大家对iq(intelligence quotient智商)和eq(emotion quotient 情商)这两个词一定不陌生吧?这两种“商”在我们的生活中都起着很重要的作用,哪个低了都不是好事。不过,在这两种“商”之外,现在又有学者提出了第三种“商”sq(social quotient),你知道代表的是什么吗?


social quotient (sq), first put forward by us scholar daniel goleman, refers to the ability to deal with social relations and follows in the style of the iq (intelligence quotient) and eq (emotion quotient) concepts. goleman believes that interpersonal interaction exerts its great influence on our intelligence and other aspects of our lives.

社交商这个说法是由美国学者丹尼尔 戈尔曼首先提出来的,指的是人们处理人际社交关系的能力,与智商(iq)和情商(eq)的理念相同。戈尔曼认为人际交往对我们的智力以及生活的其它方面都会产生很大的影响。

unlike iq, which seems to be fixed after age five, all of us can work on skills like smiling or a positive attitude, traits commonly found in individuals with high social skills. shy and extroverted people can similarly benefit from such efforts.


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