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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-07-05 - 所在栏目: 英语试题
1. although research has shown that asparagus does contain many important nutrients, it is not, as it was once regarded, a panacea。

  [a] (an) anomaly        [b] delicacy          [c] life-form             [d] cure-all

  2. the panorama from their porch encompassed a large part of the rocky mountains。

  [a] cooking         [b] view         [c] tv screen         [d] small patch of land

  3. most scholars agree that american composer george gershwin's talent was largely self-developed。

  [a] wealth           [b] fame             [c] ability               [d] character

  4. ogden nash was a famous writer of humorous and satirical verse。

  [a] theatrical           [b] ironic          [c] comical              [d] technical

  5. even when summer temperatures were above freezing and the top inches of earth became saturated with water, the soil below remained frozen into permafrost。

  [a] enriched             [b] dissolved          [c] removed            [d] soaked

  6. numbing terror overtook them as they witnessed the explosions。

  [a] torpid              [b] tantalizing       [c] paralyzing           [d] sentient

  7. soil comprises the surface layer of the earth that nourishes and supports the growth of rooted plants。

  [a] arranges             [b] shelters          [c] accepts              [d] feeds

  8. the comic routines of stan laruel and oliver hardy involved pantomime and novel use of props。

  [a] original              [b] appropriate       [c] literal               [d] funny

  9. the racoon is a nocturnal animal。

  [a] harmless           [b] night             [c] marsupial             [d] diurnal

  10. the extreme heat made everyone languid。

  [a] listless               [b] bothersome       [c] selfish               [d] gruff

  答案:dbcbd cdaba

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