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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-05-25 - 所在栏目: 职场英语

  following are some sentences that show how the terms related to job commencement and termination might be used:


  ► i'm impressed with your background. you're hired.

  ► you can begin employment next monday.

  ► we're very happy to have you. welcome aboard!

  ► you have the job. welcome to abc incorporated.

  ► when can you start / begin?

  ► your medical test is scheduled for next wednesday at 10:00 at the clinic on the 2nd floor.

  ► you can breathe a sigh of relief. your drug test came back negative.

  ► you will undergo an orientation process on your first day.


  ► you have shown no improvement over last year. i have no choice but to fire you.

  ► did you hear about kenny? he was canned for insubordination.

  ► i feel so sorry for her. she just got her pink slip.

  ► these are difficult economic times. the company has to lay off some staff.

  ► his wife is being transferred overseas, so he had to quit his job.

  ► mike's work was constantly below standard, so he finally got the axe/got the sack.




  ► 你的背景令我印象深刻,你被聘用了。

  ► 你下周一就可以来上班了。

  ► 恭喜,你被录用了。欢迎加入我们的行列。

  ► 你被录用了,欢迎来abc公司。

  ► 你什么时候能来上班?

  ► 你的体检被安排在下周三上午十点,地点是二楼的诊所。

  ► 松口气吧,你的药检呈阴性。

  ► 第一天来上班时会有人领你熟悉新的环境。


  ► 去年一整年你的工作都毫无起色,我别无选择,你被解雇了。

  ► 你听说kenny的事儿了吗?他因为顶撞上司被开除了。

  ► 我真为她难过,她刚收到解雇通知书。

  ► 现在经济不景气,公司只能裁减一些员工。

  ► 他的妻子被调往海外工作了,所以他只能辞职。

  ► mike的工作质量总是达不到要求,所以他最终被炒了鱿鱼。

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