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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-09 - 所在栏目: 每日英语
 telephone banking 电话银行

  representative: hello. how can i help you today?

  customer: hello. i'd like some information on the telephone banking services offered at by your bank。

  representative: certainly. may i have your account number?

  customer: of course. it's 4392107.

  representative: what would you like to know?

  customer: how do i sign up?

  representative: just let me know, i'll sign you up immediately。

  customer: can you tell me how the telephone banking services work?

  representative: you can do all your day-to-day banking over the telephone, 24 hours a day。

  customer: that's great. how do i access my account?

  representative: just call the bank, key in your pin number and listen to the menu of options available。

  customer: how do i choose which option i want?

  representative: just press the number for the service stated by the recording。

  customer: what kind of things can i do?

  representative: you can check your balance, pay bills, order a statement or even transfer money to another bank。

  customer: that's fantastic! can i trade stocks and bonds。

  representative: i'm afraid you will have to have a special account for that。

  customer: what about getting help if i have any problems?

  representative: there's an automated answering machine and staff are available 9 to 5 seven days a week。

  customer: it all sounds very good to me. i'd like to sign up。

  representative: alright, can you answer a few questions please?

  customer: certainly。

  useful vocabulary 词汇

  24 hours a day

  account number

  automated answering machine

  day-to-day banking

  menu of options

  telephone banking services

  to access an account

  to check your balance

  to key in a pin number

  to order a statement

  to pay bills

  to sign up

  to trade stocks and bonds

  to transfer money

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