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女孩1分钟投篮128个 NBA球员叹不如

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-11-29 - 所在栏目: 每日英语
 most of us would be happy with landing a handful of two-pointers on an arcade basketball game. but this japanese trick shot would clearly put most of us to shame after landing an astonishing 256 points in just 60 seconds. with a speed of shot that would embarrass most nba players, the teenager rattles off 128 consecutive baskets without a single miss。


  and she is even unruffled after another gamer wanders past and a members of staff emerges from a doorway right in her line of vision. it is unclear whether the impressive feat is genuine, but the girl does appear to tire as she continues her prodigious scoring run。


  after completing her impressive feat she walks off with an embarrassed smile before collecting a bundle of prize tickets。



  unruffled adj. 平静的;不骚动的;镇定的

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