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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-04-12 - 所在栏目: GMAT

1. machines replacing human labor, there was wide anticipation that the workweek would continue to become shorter.
(a) machines replacing human labor, there was wide anticipation that
(b) when machines replaced human labor, there was wide anticipation
(c) as machines replaced human labor, it was widely anticipated that
(d) insofar as machines replaced human labor, it was widely anticipated
(e) human labor being replaced by machines, there was wide anticipation that

2. more ancient egyptian temples were constructed in the reign of ramses ii as in any other.
(a) as in any other
(b) as any other
(c) as in others
(d) than others
(e) than in any other

3. because the financial review covered only the last few fiscal years, and therefore the investigators were unable to determine the extent to possible earlier overpayments.
(a) and therefore the investigators were unable to determine the extent to possible
(b) so therefore the investigators were not capable of determining the possible extent of
(c) therefore the investigators were unable to determine the possible extent of
(d) the investigators were not capable of determining the possible extent of
(e) the investigators were unable to determine the extent of possible

4. at ground level, ozone is a harmful pollutant, but in the stratosphere it shields the earth from the most biologically harmful radiation emitted by the sun, radiation in the ultraviolet band of the spectrum.
(a) in the stratosphere
(b) in the stratosphere, in which
(c) it is in the stratosphere in which
(d) in the stratosphere where
(e) it is in the stratosphere and

5. socrates could have fled from athens after he was sentenced to death, but he refused to do it.
(a) socrates could have fled from athens after he was sentenced to death, but he refused to do it.
(b) after he was sentenced to death, socrates might have fled from athens, but he refused to do it.
(c) after he was sentenced to death, socrates could have fled from athens, but he refused to do so.
(d) after he was sentenced to death, socrates could have done so after he was sentenced to death.
(e) socrates could have fled from athens but refused to after he was sentenced to death.

6. as sales of cars and light trucks made in north america were declining 13.6 percent in late february, many analysts conclude that evidence of a recovering automotive market remains slight.
(a) as sales of cars and light trucks made in north america were declining 13.6 percent in late february, many analysts conclude
(b) since sales of cars and light trucks made in north america declined 13.6 percent in late february, and many analysts conclude
(c) with sales of cars and light trucks made in north america declining 13.6 percent in late february, with many analysts concluding
(d) because sales of cars and light trucks made in north america declined 13.6 percent in late february, many analysts concluded
(e) because of sales of cars and light trucks made in north america declining 13.6 percent in late february, therefore, many analysts concluded

7. a prolific architect who worked from the turn of the century until the late 1950’s, julia morgan designed nearly 800 buildings in california, perhaps most notably william randolph hearst’s monumental estate at san simeon.
(a) julia morgan designed nearly 800 buildings in california, perhaps most notably william randolph hearst’s monumental estate at san simeon
(b) perhaps the most notable of the nearly 800 buildings in california designed by julia morgan was william randolph hearst’s monumental estate at san simeon
(c) of the nearly 800 buildings in california designed by julia morgan, perhaps the most notable was william randolph hearst’s monumental estate at san simeon
(d) nearly 800 buildings in california were designed by julia morgan, of which william randolph hearst’s monumental estate at san simeon is perhaps the most notable
(e) william randolph hearst’s monumental estate at san simeon is perhaps the most notable of the nearly 800 buildings in california designed by julia morgan

8. the new regulations mandate that a company allows their retiring employees who would otherwise lose group health care coverage to continue the same insurance at their own expense for a specified period.
(a) that a company allows their retiring employees who would otherwise lose group health care coverage to continue
(b) companies to allow their retiring employees who would otherwise lose group health care coverage that they can continue
(c) that a company allow its retiring employees who would otherwise lose group health care coverage to continue
(d) companies allowing a retiring employee whose group health care coverage would otherwise be lost the continuation of
(e) companies to allow a retiring employee whose group health care coverage would otherwise be lost he continuation of

9. studies show that young people with higher-than-average blood pressure and their families have a history of high blood pressure are more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.
(a) and their families have a history of high blood pressure
(b) whose families have a history of high blood pressure
(c) and a history of high blood pressure runs in the family
(d) whose families have a history of high blood pressure running in them
(e) with a history of high blood pressure running in their family

10. during the 1980’s approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is estimated to have left mexico and added to the strain on the country’s debt-ridden economy.
(a) during the 1980’s approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is estimated to have left mexico and added
(b) during the 1980’s it is estimated that approximately $50 billion in private investment capital left mexico and added
(c) it is estimated that there was approximately $50 billion in private investment capital that left mexico during the 1980’s and added
(d) it is estimated that during the 1980’s approximately $50 billion in private investment capital left mexico, adding
(e) approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is estimated as having left mexico during the 1980’s, adding

11. like the color-discriminating apparatus of the human eye, insects’ eyes depend on recording and comparing light intensities in three regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
(a) insects’ eyes depend on
(b) an insect eye depends on
(c) that of insects depend on the
(d) that of an insect’s eye depends on
(e) that of an insect’s is dependent on the

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