1. although early soap operas were first aired on evening radio in the 1920’s, they had moved to the daytime hours of the 1930’s when the evening schedule became crowded with comedians and variety shows.
(a) were first aired on evening radio in the 1920’s, they had moved to the daytime hours of the 1930’s
(b) were first aired on evening radio in the 1920’s, they were moved to the daytime hours in the 1930’s
(c) were aired first on evening radio in the 1920’s, moving to the daytime hours in the 1930’s
(d) were aired first in the evening on 1920’s radio, they moved to the daytime hours of the 1930’s
(e) aired on evening radio first in the 1920’s, they were moved to the 1930’s in the daytime hours
2. in 1527 king henry viii sought to have his marriage to queen catherine annulled so as to marry anne boleyn.
(a) so as so marry
(b) and so could be married to
(c) to be married to
(d) so that he could marry
(e) in order that he would marry
3. the energy source on voyager 2 is not a nuclear reactor, in which atoms are actively broken apart; rather a kind of nuclear battery that uses natural radioactive decay to produce power.
(a) apart; rather
(b) apart, but rather
(c) apart, but rather that of
(d) apart, but that of
(e) apart; it is that of
4. seismologists studying the earthquake that struck northern california in october 1989 are still investigating some of its mysteries: the unexpected power of the seismic waves, the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and the strange electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor.
(a) the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and the strange electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor
(b) the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and strange electromagnetic signals were detected hours before the temblor
(c) the upward thrust threw one man straight into the air, and hours before the temblor strange electromagnetic signals were detected
(d) one man was thrown straight into the air by the upward thrust, and hours before the temblor strange electromagnetic signals were detected
(e) one man who was thrown straight into the air by the upward thrust, and strange electromagnetic signals that were detected hours before the temblor
5. a letter by mark twain, written in the same year as the adventures of huckleberry finn were published, reveals that twain provided financial assistance to one of the first black students at yale law school.
(a) a letter by mark twain, written in the same year as the adventures of huckleberry finn were published,
(b) a letter by mark twain, written in the same year of publication as the adventures of huckleberry finn,
(c) a letter by mark twain, written in the same year that the adventures of huckleberry finn was published,
(d) mark twain wrote a letter in the same year as he published the adventures of huckleberry finn that
(e) mark twain wrote a letter in the same year of publication as the adventures of huckleberry finn that
6. two new studies indicate that many people become obese more due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating.
(a) due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating
(b) due to their bodies burning calories too slowly than to eating too much
(c) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than that they are overeaters
(d) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much
(e) because of their bodies burning calories too slowly than because of their eating too much
7. as a result of the ground-breaking work of barbara mcclintock, many scientists now believe that all of the information encoded in 50,000 to 100,000 of the different genes found in a human cell are contained in merely three percent of the cell’s dna.
(a) 50,000 to 100,000 of the different genes found in a human cell are contained in merely
(b) 50,000 to 100,000 of the human cell’s different genes are contained in a mere
(c) the 50,000 to 100,000 different genes found in human cells are contained in merely
(d) 50,000 to 100,000 of human cell’s different genes is contained in merely
(e) the 50,000 to 100,000 different genes found in a human cell is contained in a mere
8. so poorly educated and trained are many young recruits to the united states work force that many business executives fear this country will lose its economic preeminence.
(a) so poorly educated and trained are many young recruits to the united states work force that
(b) as poorly educated and trained as many young recruits to the united states work force are
(c) because of many young recruits to the united states work force who are so poorly educated and trained.
(d) that many young recruits to the united states work force are so poorly educated and trained is why
(e) many young recruits to the united states work force who are so poorly educated and trained explains why
9. in the last few years, the number of convicted criminals given community service sentences, which allow the criminals to remain unconfined while they perform specific jobs benefiting the public, have risen dramatically.
(a) sentences, which allow the criminals to remain unconfined while they perform specific jobs benefiting the public, have
(b) sentences, performing specific jobs that benefit the public while being allowed to remain unconfined, have
(c) sentences, performing specific jobs beneficial to the public while they are allowed to remain unconfined, have
(d) sentences which allow them to remain unconfined in their performing of specific jobs beneficial to the public has
(e) sentences allowing them to remain unconfined while performing specific jobs that benefit the public has
10. during the early years of european settlement on a continent that was viewed as “wilderness” by the newcomers, native americans, intimately knowing the ecology of the land, were a help in the rescuing of many pilgrims and pioneers from hardship, or even death.
(a) native americans, intimately knowing the ecology of the land, were a help in the rescuing of
(b) native americans knew the ecology and the land intimately and this enabled them to help in the rescue of
(c) native americans, with their intimate knowledge of the ecology of the land, helped to rescue
(d) having intimate knowledge of the ecology of the land, native americans helped the rescue of
(e) knowing intimately the ecology of the land, native americans helped to rescue
11. quasars are so distant that their light has taken billions of years to reach the earth; consequently, we see them as they were during the formation of the universe.
(a) we see them as they were during
(b) we see them as they had been during
(c) we see them as if during
(d) they appear to us as they did in
(e) they appear to us as though in 转贴于
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