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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-05-27 - 所在栏目: 英语动态

bring a ray of sunshine to your summer wardrobe with some warm, bright yellow. the spring/summer catwalks were awash with this vibrant shade. there are many different shades of yellow, ranging from ice-cream yellow pastels to warmer mustard tones.


to make the colour work for you, it's important to pick the right shade for your skin tone. dark yellow or mustard suits pale skin tones, while women with an olive complexion should go for lemon yellows, bold yellows, or even super bright yellow which will make their skin glow.


the colour works best teamed with creams, beiges and khakis. so pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans, or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top.


for a bolder look, you could wear it with navy for nautical style, or black and white. accessoris with gold jewellery - chunky bangles and chains work well - then add brown, taupe or cream bags and shoes to finish.


if wearing such a bright colour scares you, then start with an accessory - pumps from pretty ballerinas, a vibrant watch from toy watch or a tote bag from aldo.

如果你不敢穿这么亮的颜色,就从小饰品入手吧:pretty ballerinas的轻便浅口舞鞋,toy watch的亮黄色手表,还有aldo的提包,全部主打黄色调调!

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