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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-20 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
 with the growing number of the chinese post-1980s marrying and having children, more and more of their parents are entering into old age. the practical problem of “two supporting four” (a couple from a one-child families supporting four parents) is arising for the young.

  the social survey center of china youth daily surveyed 1,600 people recently through minyi.net.cn and hudong.com. of those surveyed, 40 percent are the only child in their families and about 58 percent of respondents said they want their parents to live in the same community with them or in the same neighborhood in order to take care of them.

  nearly 44 percent of respondents are willing to live with their parents and take care of them on their own. nearly 25 percent of respondents said their patents live in another city and can only visit them irregularly. about 7 percent of respondents chose to let the community's nursing staff take care of their parents for them and only 7 percent of respondents are willing to send their parents to nursing homes.

  of the respondents, about 57 percent of them are from the post-1980s generation, and about 28 percent of them are from the post-1970s generation. about 53 percent are married and about 46 percent are unmarried.

  what are the difficulties for the post-1980s only-child youth in taking care of their parents? the survey revealed that about 74 percent of respondents said their pressure in work and life is large, and felt incompetent to take care of their parents. about 68 percent of respondents said they have to support several elderly people.

  furthermore, 42 percent of respondents said the social security and medical insurance is not acknowledged in different cities and nearly 38 percent of respondents said they are uneasy with social nursing homes.







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