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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-07-14 - 所在栏目: 雅思
[p]  刚刚从考官那里拿到2003上半年口语新题,大家一起来讨论![/p] [p]  part 1 /10[/p] [p]  1,what was your childhood like?[/p]< [p]  2,what do you think are the differences between the children's life in your time and at present?[/p] [p]  3,do you think the free time is important?[/p] [p]  4,how do you spend your free time?[/p] [p]  5,do you think it(your hometown) is a nice place to live?(new)[/p] [p]  6,do you have any change in your hometown??(new)这个题该怎么翻译?change是改变吗?[/p] [p]  7,describe the street you live![/p] [p]  8,talk about the major distribution of chinesepeople.is there any change about the place where chinese people live[/p] [p]  下面着部分据考官说是新的,至少问法是新的![/p] [p]  9,what do you think about the traffic in your city?[/p] [p]  10,what are the major traffic means in your city?[/p] [p]  11,what kinks of transportation do you have in your hometown?[/p] [p]  12,what traffic vehicle do you like?[/p] [p]  13,compare the advantages and disadvantages of differents traffic vehicles.[/p] [p]  14,what will you recommend to others? why?[/p] [p]  15,do you have any traffic problem?[/p] [p]  16,are there any solutions to there traffic problems?[/p] [p]  17,do you think traffic vehicles can bring about environmental pollution?[/p] [p]  (发贴人:akey1980)[/p] [/p]

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