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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-07-17 - 所在栏目: 英语听力
  [p][b][/b][/p] [p][b]感谢沪江英语提供[/b][/p] [p]26. a) to introduce the chief of the city' police force. [/p] [p]27. d) he holds a master's degree in criminology. [/p] [p]28. b) to get police officers closer to the local people. [/p] [p]29. c) effective. [/p] [p]30. b) there are numerous languages in existence. [/p] [p]31. c) it is something we are born with. [/p] [p]32. d) how children learn to use language. [/p] [p]33. b) she was an engineer. [/p] [p]34. c) adjusting them to different audiences. [/p] [p]35. a) whether spacemen carry weapons. [/p] [p][/p]

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