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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-12-03 - 所在栏目: 英语听力
- happy birthday, eric.
- uh, gee, grim-- ha' it's, uh-- it's-it's really somethin'.
- yes, i commissioned it myself. of course, i had hoped it would be a wedding present.
- come on, grim. don't start. look, you're not still sore because i didn't fall for the princess of glowehaven, are you?
- oh, my! oh, eric, it isn't me alone. the entire kingdom wants to see you happily settle down with the right girl.
- oh, she's out there somewhere. i just-- i just haven't found her yet.

1. it's really something.  这真挺……真挺特别的哈
2. don't start 你又来了
3. fall for the princess 爱上这位公主
    fall for sb.的这个词组很像中文里的“倾心于某人、为某人倾倒、拜倒在某人的石榴裙下”一类的说法,也是“对某人动心了”的口语表达,很地道哦。明显这里ariel已经fall for the prince了~
4. settle down 安定下来
    一般我们说的结了婚安顿下来的表达,就是这个settle down,和四处漂泊的波西米亚式生活正相反。

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