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明星纹身爱用拉丁语 粉丝追捧学语言

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-05 - 所在栏目: 趣味短语

  celebrity latin tattoos may be fuelling a revival of the ancient language in schools, it emerged today。


  pupils are increasingly demanding to study the subject, according to an exam board, as tattooed celebrities such as david beckham and angelina jolie enhance latin's profile。


  but examiners urged pupils not to emulate model danielle lloyd, whose latin tattoo is riddled with errors。

  考试机构表示,大家的态度是值得鼓励的,但是不要乱学,就像模特danielle lloyd,她身上的拉丁纹身有很多语法错误。

  while beckham and jolie's latin inscriptions are grammatically correct, lloyd's is meaningless, they said。


  her tattoo, 'quis attero mihi tantum planto mihi validus', which is etched on to her shoulder, is intended to translate as 'to diminish me will only make me stronger'。

  danielle lloyd纹在身上的那句:quis attero mihi tantum planto mihi validus,据说意思是:打压我只会让我更强大。

  but experts say the words in fact translate into something more akin to 'who i wear away for me only for me strong'。


  beckham, on the other hand, gets full marks for his two latin tattoos。


  the footballer has 'ut amem et foveam' (meaning 'so that i love and cherish') inscribed on his left forearm and 'perfectio in spiritu' (meaning 'perfection in spirit') on his right。


  meanwhile jolie chose 'quod me nutrit me destruit', which means 'what nourishes me also destroys me'。


  other celebrities embracing the trend include actor colin farrell, who has 'carpe diem' or 'seize the day' inscribed on his left forearm。


  the exam board said schools and youngsters were aware of the continuing influence of latin and had expressed an interest in a qualification to recognise basic achievement in the subject。


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