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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-11-19 - 所在栏目: 趣味短语

  《哈利波特与死亡圣徒》的预算高达1亿五千万英镑,在片中扮演mr ollivander的john hurt觉得这么多钱花上去实在不靠谱。“扭头就见着三件没穿过的戏服,都是一摸一样的复制品。真是太浪费了,受不了。”

  the film’s budget is estimated to have been £150 million. john hurt (mr in the films) ranted recently about the ‘quite absurd’ amount of money spent on ‘harry potter’ films. he said: ‘i look around and there are three costumes there, none of which are likely to be worn, and they’re all replicas of each other. it’s a vacuous waste of money and it drives me insane.’



  the two ‘harry potter and the deathly hallows’ films are the first in the ‘harry potter’ series to be released in cinemas in complete 3d versions. for ‘harry potter and the order of the phoenix’ and ‘harry potter and the half blood prince’ only some scenes were available。


  daniel的替身david holmes09年1月坠马严重受伤,他以前是一位体操运动员。

  daniel radcliffe's stunt double david holmes was seriously injured in january 2009 when he fell from a harness. the former gymnast was at leavesden film studios (watford, herts) rehearsing a flying scene that involved an explosion when the accident occurred。



  and it wasn’t only his double sustaining injuries - radcliffe himself got a war wound. during filming, a giant snake that harry was fighting was simulated by a stick with a boxing glove on the end, held by the stunt coordinator. radcliffe was caught by surprise and received a blow in the face that knocked him down, but seems thrilled with his injury. in a recent interview he said: ‘until now nothing really bad happened to me, only a few scratches. but i'm happy because i finally got a big black eye during the shooting of ‘deathly hallows’.’

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