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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-05-24 - 所在栏目: 英语试题

  linda was a few minutes late. wilson 16 the office when she got there. his secretary told her he 17 back in a few minutes. she 18 sit down and wait for a few minutes in outer office.

  "i ll never get this job," she 19 herself. for a moment she wanted to 20 the building. just then, wilson came 21 the door and hurried into his office. a few minutes 22 his secretary took linda in and introduced her,

linda apologized 23 . wilson didn t seem to 24 .they chatted casually (随便地) for a few seconds and then 25 . he 26 her letter of application.

  "you ve never worked in radio or television before, 27 ? "he said. now she was 28 that she would not get the job. wilson asked her 29 questions.

   30 he seemed impressed with her other qualifications(资格).she was 31 when he asked her if she could start soon. "i wonder if you d mind 32 next month?" he asked 33 .

   34 seemed she had got the job 35 .

16. a. had left   b. has left   c. was left    d. would be leaving

17. a. had been  b. came   c. was     d. would be

18. a. should   b. had to    c. would     d. was able to

19. a. told   b. spoke   c. said     d. talked

20. a. run out   b run of   c. run out of    d. run away

21. a. through  b. across    c. cross     d. along

22. a. latest   b. last    c. late    d. later

23. a. to being late b. for being late c. to be late   d. for the late

24. a. mind  b. listen   c. notice    d. hear

25. a. took down with business b. came down to business

c. settled down with businessd. got down to business

26. filled out  b. took out   c. sent out    d. threw away

27. a. haven t you b. do youc. have you d. don t you

28. a. even more sure  b. much sure  c. even sure of  d. sure of

29. a. a few such   b. a few more  c. much a few  d. more a few

30. a. as her surprise  b. to her surprised  c. for her surprised  d. to her surprise

31. a. even more surprise b. even much surprisec. even more surprised d. even much surprised

32. a. starting    b. to start    c. start     d. started

33. a. by a smile   b. with a smile   c. by smile    d. with smile

34. a. it     b. this    c. that     d. he

35. a. not at all   b. after all   c. all     d. after that

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