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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-07-13 - 所在栏目: 职场英语
做一份工作年深日久、已经不再感到新鲜和有挑战性?觉得薪水太低、想跳槽又懒得付之行动?还是上下班的时间太长、你已经感到疲累不堪、却还在犹豫怎么办?所有这一切都显示:也许你该跳槽了。下面就给你分析一下跳槽可以带来的5个好处。[br] if you're like many professionals, you daydream about leaving your underwhelming job to find a more-fulfilling (or at least better-paying) one, but you never do. here are five reasons why you shouldn't put off your job search one more day.[br] no. 1: you'll stress less 精神压力更小[br] these days, work and stress are synonymous. a 2007 survey by compsych corporation found stress is rampant in the workplace. sixty percent of workers said they have high levels of stress with symptoms of extreme fatigue and feeling out of control. another 33 percent said they have constant but manageable stress. that's a lot of headaches.[br] what's the biggest cause of all this tension? the study cited "people issues (人际问题)" as the no. 1 work stressor, followed by workload (工作量) and work/life balance (工作/生活平衡). it's proven that stress can harm your mental and physical health, so save yourself by finding a new job.[br] no. 2: you'll advance your career 事业的发展[br] take the next step up that proverbial ladder. workers may have more negotiating power with employers than they think. eighty-one percent of hiring managers said it was difficult to find qualified candidates 12 months ago, and 91 percent said recruiting is equally or more challenging today, according to the 2007 employment dynamics and growth expectations (edge) report by careerbuilder.com and robert half international. more than half of hiring managers who are having trouble recruiting cited a shortage of qualified professionals as the primary culprit.[br] no. 3: you'll make more money 赚更多的钱[br] all signs point to fatter paychecks in 2008. nearly two-in-five hiring managers plan to increase starting salaries in the next year to attract new talent, according to the edge report.plus, the department of labor reports annual compensation costs (what employers spend on wages, salaries and benefits) for civilian workers increased 3.3 percent for the year ended september 2007. and, average hourly earnings increased from $16.91 in october 2006 to $17.58 in october 2007. take advantage of this knowledge and use it in negotiating your new starting salary.

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