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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-07-07 - 所在栏目: 职场英语

  * 4c营销理论 (the marketing theory of 4cs)

  * 4r营销理论 (the marketing theory of 4rs)

  * 4p营销理论 (the marketing theory of 4ps)

  * 感性营销 (sensibility marketing)

  * 利基营销 (niche marketing)

  * 交叉营销 (cross marketing)

  * 知识营销 (infromation marketing)

  * 文化营销 (cultural marketing)

  * 服务营销 (services marketing)

  * 体验营销 (experience marketing)

  * 定制营销 (customization marketing)

  * 色彩营销 (color marketing)

  * 绿色营销 (green marketing)

  * 关系营销 (relationship marketing)

  * 合作营销 (the co marketing solution)

  * 伙伴营销 (partnership marketing)

  * 一对一营销 (one-to-one marketing)

  * 差异化营销 (difference marketing)

  * 大市场营销 (big marketing)

  * 个性化营销 (personalization marketing)

  * 堡垒式营销 (focalization marketing)

  * 数据库营销 (data base marketing)

  * 服务分销策略 (services distribution strategy)

  * 服务促销策略 (services sales promotion strategy)

  * 整合营销传播 (integrated marketing communications, imc)

  * 水坝式经营 (dam operation)

  * 战略营销联盟 (strategic marketing union)

  * 网络数据库营销 (internet data base marketing)

  * “整时营销” 与“晚盈利” (profit by timing marketing and lag profit marketing)


  * 目标管理 (management by objectives, mbo)

  * 标杆瞄准(benchmarking)

  * 开明管理(open management)

  * 宽容管理 (allowance management)

  * 危机管理 (crisis management)

  * 标杆管理 (benchmarking management)

  * 人格管理 (character management)

  * 品牌管理 (brand management)

  * 变革管理 (change management)

  * 沟通管理 (communication management)

  * 走动管理 (management by walking around,mbwa)

  * 价值管理 (value management)

  * 钩稽管理 (innovation and practice management)

  * 能本管理 (capacity core management)

  * 绩效管理 (managing for perfromance)

  * 赋权管理 (delegation management)

  * 灵捷管理 (celerity management)

  * 物流管理 (logistics management/physical distribution ) (physical distribution为传统意义上的物流)

  * 知识管理 (knowledge management)

  * 时间管理 (time-management)

  * 互动管理 (interactive management)

  * t型管理 (t management)

  * 预算管理 (budget management)

  * 末日管理 (end management)

  * 柔性管理 (soft management)

  * 例外管理 (exception management)

  * k型管理 (k management)

  * eva管理 (economic value added, eva)

  * 5s管理法 (5s :seiri、seiten、seigo、seiketsu、shitsuke)

  * 零缺陷管理(zero defects)

  * 一分钟管理(one minute management)

  * 供应链管理 (supply chain management, scm)

  * 客户关系管理 (customer relationship management,crm)

  * 产品数据管理 (product data management, pdm)

  * 过程质量管理法 (process of quality management)

  * 管理驾驶舱(cockpit of management)

  * oec管理法 (over all every control and clear)

  * 数字化管理 (digital management)

  * 海豚式管理 (management as porpoise)

  * 丰田式管理 (toyota- management)

  * 跨文化管理 (span-culture management)

  * 蚂蚁式管理 (style of ant management)

  * 购销比价管理 (purchase by grade management)

  * 企业内容管理 (enterprise content management)

  * 企业健康管理 (health of enterprise management)

  * 薪酬外包管理 (salary epibolic management)

  * 戴明的质量管理 (william edwards dem's quality management)

  * 六西格玛管理法 (six sigma)

  * 倒金字塔管理 (handstand pyramidal management)

  * 变形虫式管理 (amoeba management)


  * 木桶定律(cannikin law)

  * 墨菲定律 (moffe's law)

  * 羊群效应 (sheep-flock effect)

  * 帕金森定律 (parkinson's law)

  * 华盛顿合作定律 (washington company law)

  * 手表定律 (watch law)

  * 蘑菇定律 (mushroom law)

  * 鲇鱼效应 (weever effect)

  * 飞轮效应 (flywheel effect)

  * 光环效应 (halo effect)

  * 马太效应 (matthew effect)

  * 蝴蝶效应 (butterfly effect)

  * 多米诺效应 (domicile effect)

  * 皮格马利翁效应 (pygmalion effect)

  * 彼德原理 (the peter principle)

  * 破窗理论 (break pane law)

  * 路径依赖 (path dependence)

  * 奥卡姆剃刀 (occam's razor)

  * 博弈论 (game theory)

  * 定位法则 (orientation law)

  * 80/20原理 (80/20 law)

  * x理论-y理论 (theory x- theory y)

  * 超y理论 (exceed theory y)


  * 7s模型 (principle of 7s)

  * abc分析法 (abc-analysis)

  * swot分析 (swot analysis)

  * 波士顿矩阵法 (boston matrix analysis)

  * 新7s原则 (principle of new 7s)

  * pdca循环 (pdca cyc)

  * 平衡记分卡 (balanced score card)

  * 品管圈 (quality control circle,qcc)

  * 零库存 (in-time inventory)

  * 顾客份额 (constituency share)

  * 业务流程重组 (business process reengineer)

  * 动态薪酬 (dynamic salary)

  * 管理审计 (managed audit)

  * 管理层收购 (management buy-out)

  * 逆向供应链 (reverse supply chain)

  * 宽带薪酬设计 (broad band salary design)

  * 员工持股计划(employee stock ownership plan,esop)

  * 人力资源外包 (epiboly hr)

  * 360度绩效反馈 (360-degree perfromance feedback)

  * 人力资源价值链 (human resource value chain)

  * 柯氏模式 (kirkpatrick model)

  * 归因模型 (attribution model)

  * 期望模型 (expectancy model)

  * 五力模型 (the five-force model)

  * 安东尼模型 (anthony model)

  * cs经营战略(customer satisfaction)

  * 532绩效考核模型 (532 perfromance appraisal model)

  * 101℃理论 (101℃ theory)

  * 双因素激励理论 (dual stimulant theory)

  * 注意力经济 (the economy of attention)

  * 灵捷竞争(adroitly compete)* 德尔菲法(delphi technique)

  * 执行力 (execution)

  * 领导力 (leadership)

  * 学习力 (learning capacity)

  * 企业教练 (corporate coach)

  * 首席知识官 (chief knowledge officer)

  * 第五级领导者 (fifth rank leader)

  * 智力资本 (intellect capital)

  * 智能资本 (intellectual capital)

  * 高情商团队 (high eq team)

  * 学习型组织 (learning organization)

  * 知识型企业 (knowledge enterprise)

  * 高智商企业 (knowledge-intensive enterprise)

  * 灵捷组织 (adroitly organization)

  * 虚拟企业 (virtual enterprise,ve)

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