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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-25 - 所在栏目: 职场英语
很多上班族把周一叫做“黑色星期一”,因为刚过完悠闲的周末,又要恢复早起上班的作息,大家都会有点回不过神儿来。这种情况在英语里叫做weekend lag,就跟长途飞行结束后的飞机时差类似。
周末时差 weekend lag
周末时差 weekend lag

  weekend lag is a condition affecting the body's circadian clock, similar to jet lag, but instead stemming from altering one's sleep hours over a weekend of hard partying and drinking rather than from a long flight。


  for example:

  monday morning classes are so rough. it's only 8 in the morning but i feel like it is 7 pm. that's a serious case of weekend lag。


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