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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-06-29 - 所在栏目: 英语作文

what i think about the public order of taiwan
it's quite obvious there have been lots of robberies, thefts, blackmails, kidnapping, and murders in taiwan these years. according to newspaper, we can find someone extorted, kidnapped, robbed, even killed almost every day. in nine cases out of ten, these cases erupt too suddenly to be guarded against. in other words, it's the chief reason why the public order has been worsened.
indeed, it's impossible to prevent crimes violence thoroughly, but they are the major factors to worsen the public order. but the crux is that there are not a few unworthy personnel of public security who collude with the evil gangs and fellows. as long as the authorities concerned resolve to penalize them severely and crack down the criminal group continuously, then the public order will be maintained to the full.


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