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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-06-17 - 所在栏目: 每日英语

times are tough, but saving money isn't. just decide what you can do without. here are 10 common but unnecessary purchases you don't need.
step 1: credit card protection plans 信用卡保护方案
they promise to make minimum payments if you lose your job. but they add a significant amount to your monthly bill- money better spent paying down balances.
step 2: commercial grade appliances 商用电器  
americans are eating out more than ever, and an inexpensive microwave heats take-out quite well.
step 3: detox 排毒品
teas, colonics, even japanese foot pads claim to detoxify your body. your liver and kidneys do that for free.
step 4: jeans 牛仔裤

the average american woman owns 8 pairs or more. even at 75% off put them back.
step 5: kleenex box covers 盒装面巾纸
research has shown tissue works fine without a cover.

step 6: gag gifts 恶作剧的礼物
gag gifts are only funny once. and they're not even that funny. no refunds. same goes for cutesy knick-knacks.
step 7: air freshener  空气清新剂
if your house stinks, clean it. that should take care of the odor.
step 8: satellite navigation 卫星导航仪  
the vast majority of drivers know exactly where they're going. if you don't, online directions are free.
step 9: big box bulk 大整理箱
if you don't use it, it's not a bargain. it's a waste
step 10: home exercise equipment 家用健身器

most of it ends up unused, and there are far cheaper ways to hang up wet socks.

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