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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-11-23 - 所在栏目: 每日英语

it is one thing to learn a new piece of information, such as a new phone number or a new word, but quite another to get your brain to fileit away so it is available when you need it.


a new study published in the journal of neuroscience by researchers at the university of york and harvard medical school suggests that sleep may help to do both. the scientists found that sleep helps people to remember a newly learned word and incorporatenew vocabulary into their "mentallexicon". during the study, researchers taught volunteers new words in the evening, followed by an immediate test. the volunteers slept overnight in the laboratorywhile their brain activity was recorded using an electroencephalogram. a test the following morning revealed that they could remember more words than they did immediately after learning them, and they could recognize them faster demonstrating that sleep had strengthened the new memories. this did not occur in a control group of volunteers who were trained in the morning and re-tested in the evening, with no sleep in between. an examination of the sleep volunteers' brainwaves showed that deep sleep (slow-wave sleep) rather than rapideye movement (rem) sleep or light sleep helped in strengthening the new memories.


these results highlight the importance of sleep and the underlying brain processes for expanding vocabulary. lead author jakke tamminen, said: "new memories are only really useful if you can connect them to information you already know." he said their study identifies the brain activity during sleep that organizes new memories and makes those vitalconnections with existing knowledge.

这些研究结果突出了睡眠的重要性,并解释了扩充词汇量的脑部机制。研究论文主要撰稿人jakke tamminen称:“如果你能将新增记忆和自己已有的知识储备联系起来,新增记忆才算真正有用。”他还说他们的研究证实了人们在睡觉时大脑组织新记忆并将其与已有知识联系起来。

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