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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-02-08 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
  google's android mobile operating system has found an unlikely source of support in china in spite of the internet search giant's recent threat to pull out of the country – hundreds of small “grey-market” chinese phonemakers which are now trying to become legitimate manufacturers of more advanced devices.

  political uncertainty about google's status in china has already led to the delay of two high-profile android phone launches last month, which analysts say could hurt confidence in android's development in china.

  but in the southern chinese city of shenzhen, the hub of chinese phone manufacturing, a very different business dynamic is driving small phone manufacturers to adopt android. while microsoft and nokia both charge phonemakers for the use of their operating systems, google provides android for free.

  事实证明,android非常受欢迎,以至于台湾芯片设计制造商联发科技(mediatek)本周表示,该公司正在开发一款支持android系统的芯片。中国制造商使用的芯片有一半都是由联发科技提供的,而且该公司已经开始研制一款基于windows mobile操作系统的智能手机芯片。
  android is proving so popular that mediatek, the taiwanese chip designer that supplies half of all mobile phone chips used by chinese manufacturers and has begun work on a windows mobile-based smartphone chip, said this week that it was developing a chip that supported android.

  联发科技总经理谢清江(hsieh ching-jiang)表示:“android是一种相当吸引人的解决方案,我们很多中国客户都要求我们提供这种功能,因此我们正在努力。”
  hsieh ching-jiang, mediatek president, said: “android is quite an attractive solution and a lot of our chinese clients have requested that we have this capability, so we are working on it.”

  many of china's small phone manufacturers began as makers of grey market “bandit” devices or cheap knock-offs of popular branded models, but they have grown into a vast market in just a few years.

  grey market manufacturers made 145m phones, or about 13 per cent of the global legitimate handset market, last year, with an increasing proportion exported to other emerging markets, according to isuppli, the research company. this year, mediatek expects its handset shipments to increase 20 per cent to 450m.

  这些制造商的重要性日益提升,促使微软今年初与联发科技签订了一项协议,将让中国手机制造商更方便在联发科技的芯片上使用windows mobile操作系统。联发科技目前是仅次于高通(qualcomm)的全球第二大手机芯片供应商。
  the growing importance of these manufacturers prompted microsoft to sign a deal at the beginning of this year with mediatek – which, after qualcomm, is the world's second biggest mobile chip supplier – that will make it easier for chinese phonemakers to use windows mobile from a mediatek chip.


  both microsoft and mediatek declined to elaborate on details of the deal, and microsoft said it had no comment on competitive pressures from android in china

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