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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-09-10 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
 according to the yahoo news of september 7, suicides and depression cases in japan last year cost the country 2.7 trillion yen (about $32.4 billion) when taking into account lost income and compensation claims, a government study showed on tuesday。

  japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the developed world despite efforts to reverse a rise after the 1980s economic bubble burst, leaving many out of work and in debt。

  "given that the number of suicides in japan has been over 30,000 for 12 straight years, this is a problem that needs to be addressed by the entire nation," a health, labour and welfare ministry official said, "we hope this study triggers stronger prevention measures."

  most recent suicides have been linked to debt, family problems, depression and other health issues。

  the study showed that those who took their lives last year when they were aged 15 to 69 would have earned 1.9 trillion yen(about $22.8 billion) had they worked until retirement。

  it also showed that people suffering from depression would have earned 109 billion yen more (about $1.31 million ) had they not taken leave from work. additional costs came from unemployment benefits and social security payments。

  据雅虎新闻网9月7日报道, 日本一项政府报告周三称,去年日本因自杀和抑郁症造成的经济损失达2.7万亿日元(大约相当于3.24亿美元)。其中包括因自杀失去的收入损失和政府发放的赔偿金。






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