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牛津字典收录微博词汇 网络用语受宠

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-11-29 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
 two bizarre expressions from the internet age - 'tweep' and 'woot' - were yesterday shortlisted as oxford dictionaries' word of the year。


  these two bizarre expressions from the internet age were ­yesterday shortlisted as oxford dictionaries’ word of the year. for those not in the know, a ‘tweep’ is someone who either uses or follows someone else on the social networking site twitter. and ‘woot’ is an expression of elation used on internet message boards and forums。

  这两个完全来自于网络的新兴词汇得意于如今新兴的社交工具---微博。“tweep”是sheep(羊)和twitter(微博)的结合,就是指一天到晚“活”在微博上的自说自话或跟风别人的人,用英文sheep(羊)作为改词的后缀,意在形容这些微博的狂热爱好者如同羊一样勤勤恳恳,此外,人们还给“tweep”起了一个中文名----“微生物” 也就是形容爱好微博的网民。“woot”是网民在微博、论坛上表达自己“狂喜”心情的意思。

  yesterday’s winner was somewhat better known, however, with david cameron’s ‘big society’ phrase emerging triumphant. the term, which attracted criticism during the election for being ambiguous, is defined as: ‘a political concept whereby a significant amount of responsibility for the running of a society’s services is devolved to local communities and volunteers.’

  据悉,上一届牛津词典“年度热词”被英国现任首相--卡梅伦夺得,他在竞选纲领中,直接提出了要建造“大社会”(big society)的概念,邀请全体公民“参与英国政府”。“大社会”也成功成为热词,而该词因“野心味太重”引起了反对者的批评。

  susie dent, of oxford dictionaries, said: ‘big society was for us a clear winner because it embraces so much of the year’s political and economic mood. taken to mean many things, it has begun to take on a life of its own – a sure sign of linguistic success.’

  来自牛津字典的工作人员susie dent说:“卡梅伦的‘大社会’一次词因囊括了世界的政治与经济因素,当选去年的年度热词算是实至名归。而今年的备选热词与老百姓生活联系紧密,牛津热词的选择既权威又贴近生活,乃语言学的成功典范。”


  twitter n. 微博客,鸟叫声;vt. 吱吱叫;嘁嘁喳喳地讲

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