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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-03-26 - 所在栏目: 英语动态


  a goof in film making is an error made during film production which finds its way into the final released picture. depending upon the film and the actual scene, the goof may have different effects: a loss in realism, an annoyance, or it could just be funny. it is often a type of continuity error. goofs are also known as "bloopers" or "mistakes"。

  电影制作时一些失误出现在影片播放中的画面就叫“穿帮镜头”(goof)。基于影片和实际场景的不同,“穿帮镜头”也会产生不同的效果:影片失真,令观众气恼,或者可能只是有点好笑。 “穿帮镜头”一般多是连贯性方面的失误,在英文中还可以用blooper或者mistake来表示。

  there are several types of goofs, for example:


  somebody or something from the film crew is in the picture that wasn't planned (e.g., camera and cameraman is reflected in a mirror)。


  chronological or conditional errors (e.g. a cigarette getting longer with the next scene)。


  historical inaccuracies and anachronisms (e.g., an hdtv set in a film set in the 1970s)。


  geographic: an object or landmark reveals the scene was filmed in a different city than the city it is set. this is very common in hollywood films that are shot in canada。


  problems in audio or soundtrack (e.g. a person's lips carry on moving after they have finished speaking)。


  intertitles displaying wrong words (e.g. a character called "john" may have his name misspelled jhon in the subtitles by accident)。

  字幕显示错误的单词(比如:一个名叫john的角色,他的名字在字幕中却显示为 jhon)。

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