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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-03-26 - 所在栏目: 英语动态

  a panel of currency experts urged the u.s. congress not to engage in drastic unilateral trade action in a bid to address the widely held perception that china is keeping its currency artificially low to boost exports.

  周三,这一由经济和历史学家组成的小组在众议院筹款委员会(house ways and means committee)作证时认同人民币兑美元汇率被控制在了较低水平,同时他们认为财政部应该将中国列为汇率操纵国。
  testifying wednesday before the house ways and means committee, the group of economists and historians agreed that the yuan is being held at a falsely low level when compared to the dollar, and that the treasury should designate china as a currency manipulator.

  the treasury is due to issue a biannual report laying out its currency concerns on april 15, in which it could label china as a currency manipulator.

  the experts argued against knee-jerk reaction by congress in the form of applying tariffs against imports from china or other aggressive reaction to the situation.

  他们认为,更好的办法是通过世界贸易组织(world trade organization)和国际货币基金组织(international monetary fund)等国际机构对中国施压,要求其允许人民币升值。
  they said the better approach would be for the u.s. to work through international bodies like the world trade organization and the international monetary fund to pressure china to allow the yuan to rise.

  彼得森国际经济研究所(peterson institute for international economics)主任博格斯坦(fred bergsten)向议员们表示,人民币汇率重估是降低美国失业率的最具成本效益的办法。
  fred bergsten, director of the peterson institute for international economics, told lawmakers that a correction in the value of the yuan 'would be the most cost-effective step that can be taken to reduce the unemployment rate in the u.s.'

  mr. bergsten said the yuan is undervalued against the u.s. by 40% and 25% against on a trade-weighted basis.

  if that disparity didn't exist, mr. bergsten said, there would be a $100 billion to $150 billion reduction in the u.s. current account deficit, leading to the creation of an additional 600,000 to 1.2 million u.s. jobs.

  作家、哈佛大学历史学教授弗格森(niall ferguson)说,尽管如此,美国单方面采取的任何激烈动作都有可能最终伤害国家的经济复苏。
  niall ferguson, an author and history professor at harvard university, said though that any drastic moves by the u.s. could end up harming an economic recovery in the country.

  for their parts, the lawmakers seemed to be more in listening mode than in declaring what action they intended to take.

  众议院筹款委员会主席、民主党众议员莱文(sander levin)列出了支持与反对美方行动的理由。他在上周的一个新闻发布会上质疑单边行动能否解决人民币汇率问题。
  rep. sander levin (d., mich.), the chairman of the committee, laid out the case for and against action by the u.s. last week, at a press briefing, mr. levin voiced skepticism that it would be possible to solve the problem unilaterally.

  同在该委员会的共和党众议员坎普(david camp)说,虽然美国必须高度关注汇率,但也不应该无视中国侵犯美国知识产权等其他问题。
  his republican counterpart on the panel, rep. david camp (r., mich.) said that while the country must focus on the currency issue, it should not do so at the exclusion of other matters like intellectual-property theft by china.

  this, he said would 'more likely to lead to collective frustration than to any improvement in the health of the critical u.s.-chinese economic relationship.'

  senate lawmakers have opted for a much more confrontational approach.

  they introduced legislation last month that would force the obama administration to take action including applying tariffs against chinese imports.

  they introduced legislation last month that would force the obama administration to take action including applying tariffs against chinese imports.

  不久前因为连续受到道德委员会调查而辞去众议院筹款委员会主席职务的民主党众议员兰格尔(charles rangel)则怀疑政府在解决此事上不会起到更多带头作用。
  rep. charles rangel (d., n.y.), who recently stepped down from the helm of the ways and means committee due to a continuing ethics investigation, challenged the administration to show more leadership on the issue.

  'does anyone in this room actually think the treasury secretary will designate china as a currency manipulator,' mr. rangel said.

  corey boles

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