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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-07-14 - 所在栏目: 趣味短语



  summer vacation offers students a blank slate. they can fill it with whatever they want – a trip to the beach, a hike in a park, or a buffet of tv dramas in their bedroom.


  a survey on dianping.com recently asked students to vote for their dream summer plans. over 300 people responded, voting volunteering, taking a cycling trip, doing part-time work, and interning overseas as their top four choices.


  21st century talked to four young people who are taking part in one of these four activities. see if their experiences make you want to follow in their footsteps.


  义务教师 volunteer teacher

  陈桦欣(音译),19岁。 chen huaxin, 19,

  北京师范大学 beijing normal university

  目的地:贵州省大方镇油杉村 destination: youshan village, dafang town, guizhou

  预算:1000元 budget: 1,000 yuan

  徐本禹,贵州的一名志愿者教师,曾被评为“感动中国人物”之一。是他激发我想去边远山区支教的想法。 xu benyu, a volunteer teacher in guizhou who was honored as one of the “people who moved china”, inspired me to become a volunteer teacher in a rural area.

  去年春天,我在校园网上看到了支教计划,之后便申请了一个名额。由于想为支教做好准备,我曾到北京几所小学去听课。我借了一些课本,还给自己的学生准备了文具、糖果等作为礼物。我甚至还下载了一些视频想拿给学生们看。 i found a program advertised on my university website and applied for a position this past spring. in order to prepare for my post, i attended several primary school classes in beijing. i also borrowed textbooks and have prepared gifts for my students, including stationery and candy. i even downloaded some videos that i will show my students.


  i cannot wait to start my journey next week. i know it will definitely be a special experience.


  单车旅行 cycling trip

  刘立(音译),19岁。 liu li, 19,

  深圳大学 shenzhen university

  目的地:福建,厦门 destination: xiamen, fujian

  预算:1000元 budget: 1,000 yuan


  i see cycling as a great way to enjoy the landscape. i have planned five days of riding that will take me to the coast. i have drawn out my route and bought a tool box.


  to prepare for the trip, i rode to huizhou two months ago as a test run. i lost my way several times, my bicycle broke down, and i was exhausted at the end of the trip. i hope everything will go well on this coming trip.


  i posted my plans on the campus forum in hopes that i would find someone to go with me, but to my disappointment no one dared to try such a tough, long journey.


  做兼职 part-time job

  李雪梅(音译),18岁。 li xuemei, 18,

  湖南大学 hunan university

  目的地:云南,丽江 destination: lijiang, yunan

  预算:1000元 budget: 1,000 yuan

  人数:1人 people: one


  my campus life has been so busy that i wanted to slow down and enjoy some leisure time in a small town. i got the idea from a story named “soft time” – about young people spending time in lijiang. the story included the contact information of a hotel owner.


   i applied to be a waitress there. the salary for this job is 1,000 yuan a month, including accommodation and food.


  i will bring my camera to shoot the interesting people and scenery in the small town, and also a laptop to share my life on my blog with friends.


  海外实习 internship abroad

  程康平,20岁。 cheng kangping, 20,

  中南财经政法大学 zhongnan university of economics and law

  目的地:印度,孟买 destination: bombay, india

  预算:1万元 budget: 10,000 yuan


  i got this opportunity through a program launched by association internationale des etudiants en sciences economiques et commerciales (aiesec). i will spend the summer interning at a software company in bombay.


  it will be a really big challenge for me, as i have to work and live in a foreign country for nearly two months. i am a little nervous and worried. but i should not treat the trip as a tour because i want to show how smart and hard-working young chinese people are.

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