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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-11-15 - 所在栏目: 趣味短语

  a school has banned tight-fitting trousers which are “too sexy” for the classroom.teachers say the miss sexy branded garments are unacceptable because of the way they “cling” to girl students - making them 'unhelpful' to learning。

  英一所学校最近发布禁令,对风行校园的一款品牌为miss sexy(性感)的紧身裤下“逐客令”,校方的理由很简单,那就是紧身裤太紧,甚至从裤子外面就能让人看到内裤的外形轮廓,不利于学生日常的学习生活。

  any girls caught wearing figure-hugging trousers are forced to change into a regulation pair of trousers, which are hanging on racks near the entrance.pupils are required to hand over something of value - such as their mobile phone - as deposit to ensure they return the pair at the end of the school day。


  “the trousers are also low-cut which means that undergarments and sometimes more are revealed... and takes attention away from the learning focus of lessons。”


  one year 11 pupil, who did not wish to be named, slammed the change as “annoying” and said the school was always changing uniform rules. she said: “the new policy is pointless, the constant updates on uniform are annoying when there are more important things to think about。”



  tight-fitting adj. 紧身的

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