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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-06-18 - 所在栏目: 翻译技巧

今年以来,全球500强(top 500 of the world)之一的富士康集团在深圳的一家工厂多次发生员工坠楼事件。就在其总裁郭台铭向前几个跳楼自杀者的家属表示道歉的当天发生了第12跳(the 12th jump)。“n连跳”(n jumps in succession)使媒体舆论炸开了锅(make media over-boiled)。

有人说富士康是“血汗工厂”(hell factory,不能直译为blood and sweat factory)。由于富士康追求最大利润(pursue maximum profit),工人们劳动强度大(high labor intensity),常常加班(work extra shift,不同于超时工作的work overtime),流水线上工作单调索然(jobs on the assembling are monotonous and dull。),工厂制定有被称为企业基本(bedrock of the enterprise)的“富士康行为守则”(foxconnian code of conduct),片面强调效率,将劳动力物化为机器和追求效率的工具(materialize labor force into machinery and instruments in the pursuing of efficiency),人性因素被忽略了(elements of normal human feelings are neglected。),加上实行刻板的半军事化管理(rigid semi-militarized administration),员工们承受很大的心理压力(suffer great psychological pressure),却没有人可以商量沟通(there is nobody to talk things over with and share their feelings。),心中的诉求和苦闷得不到宣泄(there is no way to give vent to their recount and request or pent-up feelings。)。

富士康的员工大多是来自农村的80后和90后(born in the 1980s and 1990s),心理承受能力(psychological capacity of adopting themselves to the situation)却不如上一代,因而往往会在梦想和残酷的现实之间彻底迷失(get totally lost between their dreams and cruelty of reality)。有人说,这是经济转型时期(period of economic transition)的一种社会问题。经济高速发展更需要人道主义的关怀(humanitarian concern),要给工人以尊严(dignity),绝不是架设一个防止自杀的“爱心网”(a net to show the enterprise’s loving care)或提高一点工资能解决的。

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