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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-07-13 - 所在栏目: 职场英语
what's your job title?[br] what level is your job with in the company?[br] how many main levels of positions are there at your company?[br] what kind of business is your company in?[br] 你的工作职位是什么?[br] 你在公司是什么级别的?在你们公司里有多少主要的职位级别?[br] 你们公司从事什么样的业务?[br] 下面是一些询问工作地点的方式:[br] which company do you work for?[br] who do you work for?[br] where do you work?[br] 典型的回答是:[br] i work for...[br] i'm employed at...[br] (或者你可以简单地给出你公司的名字)[br] 下面是你如何询问别人做什么样工作的方式:[br] what's your occupation?[br] what's your title?[br] what do you do for a living?[br] 通常的回答是:[br] i'm a ...i work in...[br] 如果你知道一个人是公司的老总,你可以问:[br] what kind of business are you in?what does your company do?

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