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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-07-13 - 所在栏目: 职场英语
2008年是重要的一年:我们经历了最富争辩的总统大选;费城队夺得世界职业棒球大赛;麦当娜和盖伊·里奇分手了;经济不景气;一个理发师因为剪了个糟糕的发型而被刺伤。[br] wait a second -- you didn't hear about that last one? let me fill you in: a san diego man allegedly stabbed a barber who gave him an unacceptable haircut. the man attacked the shop owner as he was closing down and slashed him twice in the face. the motive was that the man was unhappy with a previous haircut, according to authorities.[br] 稍等片刻---你没有听说过最后那件事么?那让我来告诉你:一个圣地亚哥男人,按照他自己的说法因为理发师给他剪了个难以接受的发型而刺伤了理发师。这名男子在店主准备关门的时候,在他脸上砍了两刀。按照权威人士透露这件事的起因是对所理发型的不满。[br] in midst of all the daily chaos that goes on in the world, a different type of pandemonium takes place every day in the workplace. sometimes you hear about it and sometimes you don't -- on the off chance that you haven't, we've done that part for you.[br] 我们的世界每天都发生着各种各样的事情,我们的工作场所也发生了非同寻常的趣事。有些你听过,有些你闻所未闻---你根本就没有这样的机会,我们却为您搜集了。[br] here are some of the stranger things that happened in the workplace (and out) during 2008:[br] 这些是2008年在工作场所发生的的荒诞离奇的故事。[br] 1. central florida firefighters save dogs with mouth-to-mouth resucitation[br] 1.中佛罗里达州救火员为救狗进行“人工呼吸”。[br] firefighters in florida revived several dogs by performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation after they were rescued from a house fire. the dogs were taken to area hospitals. (source: local6.com)[br] 佛罗里达州的救火员为从着火的房子中救出的狗进行口对口呼吸抢救。狗随后被送往当地医院。[br] 2. man shot by friend so he could skip work[br] 2.为逃避工作让朋友用枪射击自己的男人[br] one man took calling in sick to new extremes after he had his friend shoot him the shoulder so he could miss work. the man told deputies in pasco, wash., he was shot in a drive-by while jogging before work. he later revealed that he'd asked a friend to shoot him so he wouldn't have to take a drug test at the office. (source: msnbc.com)[br] 一个男人为了请病假走极端:让朋友射击他的手臂,这样他就可以不去上班。这个男人告诉帕斯卡公司的主管说,当他在上班前做慢跑运动的时候,一辆经过他身边的汽车中的人拔枪向他射击。他后来又透露实情是他为了避免公司的药物测试而叫一位朋友朝他开枪射击。[br] 3. police chief fired after stealing beer from firefighters' fridge[br] 3.警察局长从消防队冰箱偷牛肉[br] the police chief of a small kansas town was convicted of stealing beer after a surveillance tape showed him taking it from the fire department's refrigerator. it wasn't disclosed how much beer he pilfered or why it was in the fire department. he was suspended without pay pending an appeal of the conviction. (source: fox news)[br] 堪萨斯州小镇上的一位警察局长被证明犯下偷窃牛肉罪,监控录像显示他偷窃了消防队冰箱内的牛肉。新闻并没有说他偷了多少牛肉以及为什么偷消防队冰箱的牛肉。他被宣判并没有提起上诉。[br] 4. man shoots co-worker while rescuing him from crocodile[br] 4.救同伴逃离鳄鱼之口时射中同伴[br] two crocodile farm workers in northern australia were collecting crocodile eggs by a river bank when a crocodile grabbed one of them by the arm. the second man shot the crocodile, which caused him to release the victim. a second shot fired, however, hit the man in the same arm in which the crocodile grabbed him. the man survived. (source: cnn.com)[br] 澳大利亚北部的两个鳄鱼农场工人在河岸边捡拾鳄鱼蛋,一不小心,一个工人被鳄鱼咬住了胳膊。另一个人开枪射击鳄鱼,希望以此来救同伴。当他第二枪打出的时候,不巧正射中同伴那只被鳄鱼咬住的肩膀。不过万幸的是同伴还是活了下来。[br] 5. dvd in firefighter's coat blocks bullet[br] 5.外套中的dvd光盘挡子弹救人命[br] barry mcroy, a south carolina fire and rescue director, was leaving a waffle house restaurant when two men came in fighting over a gun. the gun fired, hit one of the struggling men, shattered a window and hit mcroy, who didn't realize he'd been shot. the bullet hit a dvd mcroy had in his pocket; he suffered only a bruise. (source: msnbc.com)[br] 巴里·麦克罗伊是一位南加利福尼亚州的火灾和营救主管,当他离开“闲聊屋”旅店的时候正好碰上两个人在枪战。枪战正酣,一个人被射伤,玻璃也被打碎,子弹也向麦克罗伊射过来,但是他并没有感觉道自己已经中弹。因为子弹正中了罗伊口袋中的dvd,他只不过是受了点皮外伤。[br] 6. man tries to pay for meal with pot[br] 6.用罐装大麻付餐费的男人[br] a vero beach, fla., mcdonald's restaurant worker received a shock when a drive-thru customer offered to pay for his meal with marijuana. the cashier called police, who found drugs in the customer's car and arrested him. (source: msnbc.com)[br] 在佛罗里达威罗海岸的麦当劳餐厅,当一位驾车的过路顾客用大麻来付餐费确实让员工大吃一惊。这位出纳员呼叫了警察,随后警察在这位顾客的车上发现毒品并将他逮捕。[br] 7. store changing 'open door' policy[br] 7.改变“开门做生意”方针的商店[br] after being robbed three times in one year, a new hampshire convenience store is now requiring customers to be "approved" by the store owner before coming in. the store will keep its doors locked and customers are refused if the owner can't recognize them through the glass doors. (source: wishtv8.com)[br] 在一年内被偷窃三次后,一家新罕布什尔州高质高价自助食品商店要求顾客只有被店主批准后才能进入店内。这件商店将把大门紧锁,店主透过玻璃无法认出的顾客将被拒绝进入。[br] 8. snake bites mailman -- who finishes rounds[br] 8.邮递员被蛇咬仍坚持送完信[br] a 66-year-old florida mailman doing his rounds was bitten by a poisonous snake when he put mail inside a mailbox. he told authorities he shook his arm and beat the snake against his car door to loosen its grip. he continued his rounds for the next 30 minutes before seeking help. the snake was thought to be an eastern diamondback rattlesnake. (source: msnbc.com)[br] 一位66岁的佛罗里达邮递员正在送信,当他往一个邮箱塞信的时候一只有毒的蛇了他一口。他告诉专家们他不停的摇他的手臂,并用蛇往车门上撞击来让它松开。他继续送30分钟信,才向人求救。据说咬他的蛇是一只东部菱形斑纹响尾蛇。[br] 9. 2 ex-workers sue neiman marcus over sex tape[br] 9. 2位前工人控告内曼·马库斯商店的性录影带[br] two former security employees at an illinois neiman marcus are suing the department store, alleging they were illegally videotaped while having sexual intercourse at work. the two claim they were secretly videotaped on a hidden video camera and were fired because of their interactions. they also allege that a store manager shared the videotape with several others and on a nationwide online database of security personnel. (source: chicago tribune)[br] 伊利诺州内曼·马库斯商店的两名前雇员控告这家百货公司,宣称他们对性爱场面进行非法的录像。这两个员工称当他们在*的时候被公司秘密安装在摄像头后的录影带所记录下来。他们还声称商店经理与其他的人共同观看了这盘映带,并把它上传到保安人员的全国性网络数据库中。[br] 10. employee is charged in fight at restaurant[br] 10. 餐厅员工激战[br] two brothers employed at a maryland restaurant argued over their job duties, which resulted in a knife fight. one brother reportedly told the other to mop the floor, which enraged him. both brothers suffered small cuts, but only one was charged with first-degree assault. this was the second call from the restaurant where one worker attacked another with a knife. (source: baltimore sun)[br] 在马里兰饭店工作的两兄弟因为工作上的分歧发生争吵,最后就演变成一场真刀真枪的打斗。据报道事情是这样的,兄弟中的一个叫另一个去拖地,后者很恼怒就发生了争吵。两兄弟都受了点小小的刀伤,但只有一位兄弟被控告轻度袭击。这已经是这家餐馆的第二个关于用刀攻击的报案。

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