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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-11-27 - 所在栏目: 每日英语
 我们现在开会都喜欢brainstorming(头脑风暴)。大家你来我往地聊着,突然一拍脑门,好主意就来了。这样的时刻在英语里被形象地叫做aha moment。什么是aha moment?

  the phrase “aha moment” was coined by the german psychologist and phenomenologist karl buhler a little over a hundred years ago. he meant it as “a peculiar, pleasure-oriented experience within the course of thought that pops up with the sudden insight into a previously un-transparent context。” now, we usually use the phrase to describe an instant at which the solution to a problem becomes clear。

  aha moment(多译为“顿悟时刻”)这个表达是由德国心理学家及现象学家卡尔•布勒在大约100多年前首创的。他当时对这个表达的定义是“思考过程中一种特殊的、愉悦的体验,期间会突然对之前并不明朗的某个局面产生深入的认识。” 现在,我们多用aha moment来表示某个问题的解决方案突然明朗化的那个时刻。

  it's a moment of clarity, a defining moment where you gain real wisdom - wisdom you can use to change your life. whether big or small, funny or sad, they can be surprising and inspiring。


  for example:

  she had that “aha moment” in the summer of 2009 when an old photo of her slimmer self made her decide it was time she took charge of her weight。



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