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中国大陆名校上榜数居亚洲之首 超过日本

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-09-19 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
japan has slipped in an annual table of world university rankings and has been overtaken by china for the first time, according to survey results released thursday。

  the number of japanese institutions among the world's top 200 universities has fallen from 11 to five, the times higher education magazine rankings showed. the only japanese institution to be placed in the top 50 is the university of tokyo。

  by contrast, china has six universities in the top 200 - more than any country in asia - "in what many of japan's institutions will see as very disappointing results," according to a statement from the magazine. peking university is the highest-ranked chinese institution at 37th。

  "recent cuts in higher education funding, and a new more detailed methodology for the rankings, have exposed serious weaknesses in the performance of japan's leading institutions on a global stage," says the commentary。






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