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中国出现“橡皮人”一代 没有梦想也没有痛苦

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-09-19 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
almost as soon as he wakes up at 8am each day, property agent kevin tu is already tired. he drags himself to work, and puts in nine hours in front of the computer and with clients. then he goes home to his one-bedroom apartment in the south side of beijing to stare at tv shows alone。

  a go-getting executive in a multi-national company just a few years ago, tu, 31, now lives just "one day at a time", as he puts it. that might be the motto for a growing group of fatigued young, white-collar chinese known as "eraser" or "plasticine" men (xiang pi ren)。

  brow-beaten out of shape by life, they show little if any response as they are kneaded this way and that, reported a local news magazine which has popularized the term now spreading in chinese cyberspace. broadly defined, they are mostly white-collar workers who are somewhat numb to life, have no dreams, interests or ideals, and do not feel much pain - or joy - reported the guangzhou-based magazine。

  these "plasticine men" can be found among doctors, bank employees, teachers, journalists, traffic policemen, civil servants, actors and taxi drivers, the magazine reported. typically, they work alone and for more than 50 hours a week. they feel as if they have expended all their energy and all they get in return is a sense of emptiness。

  the term comes from a 1986 book, xiang pi ren (plasticine man), by still-popular novelist wang shuo, that was later made into a film entitled out of breath (da chuan qi)。

  if there is a growing group of "plasticine men" among china's white-collar class, it is hardly surprising, said outspoken sociology professor zhou xiaozheng of renmin university in beijing. "we are all slaves these days. buy a house and you're a 'house slave' (fang nu). buy a car and you're a 'car slave' (che nu). bear a child and you're a 'child slave' (hai nu)," he said. the root source of these woes is the great inequality in chinese society today, he said, noting that powerful elite interest groups keep a stranglehold on wealth。

  for his part, tu is concerned less with money than about finding his zest for life again. "maybe this numbness is just a phase," he said, thinking aloud. "or maybe life will just be this bland for me and i'll just have to accept that this is it."








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