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a bolt out of the blue 晴天霹雳

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2009-07-13 - 所在栏目: 趣味短语
[p] [/p][p]bolt 是闪电,blue 在这儿是指蓝色的天空。 like a bolt out of the blue 的意思就是晴天霹雳,也就是出乎意外、没料想到。有时,你花几个小时也解不开一道数学题。可是,当你不再去想它的时候,你脑子里突然出现了答案。人们还经常用 like a bolt out of the blue 来形容车祸。来看下面这个例子:[/p][p]a driver may testify that he was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of him out of the blue and he did not have time to stop. 一个开车的人可能会在作证时说,正当他以正常的速度行驶的时候,一辆卡车突然出现在他面前,他来不及刹车。[/p][p]我们再看看下面这个学生讲的话:[/p][p]the announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. he's always said he liked it here so much he would stay until he retired. 我们大学校长宣布他决定辞职到另外一个学校去工作。我们都感到很突然,因为他老是说他很喜欢这个学校,要一直在这儿工作到退休。

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