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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-07-10 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
 thousands of music lovers at glastonbury festival today joined forces to watch england's world cup humiliating 4-1 defeat against germany.


  but for those who were more interested in music than football, there was an alternative form of entertainment over on the pyramid stage - in the form of guns n'roses guitarist slash.



  the 44-year-old musician, who wore a top hat, black and red trousers and a white t-shirt, got the crowds going as he performed alongside myles kennedy.


  one festival-goer explained: 'i came here to see bands, that's why you go to glastonbury. it's not that i'm not interested in football, but i came here for the music.'


  however, that was not the mentality of every glastonbury-goer, as many opted to watch the world cup match on giant screens that had been specially set up for the occasion in two designated fields.


  and while england's defeat left many people upset and withdrawn, thoughts of football were quickly pushed to the back of their minds with a nighttime lineup which included faithless and headliner stevie wonder.

  而当英格兰的失败让人们失望和灰心时,一群明星包括faithless和stevie wonder的表演让大家把对足球的懊恼迅速抛到脑后了。

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