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英语热词:糟糕一秒 ohnosecond

http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-02-08 - 所在栏目: 趣味短语


an ohnosecond is that very short moment in time during which you realize that you have pressed the wrong key and deleted hours, days, or weeks of work.

英语热词:糟糕一秒 ohnosecond


in a broader sense, it may also refer to that minuscule fraction of time it takes your brain to realize that you've just made a gigantic mistake and reconcile the fact that it is too late.


仔细看一下这个词,其实就是“oh no second”三个词一起构成的,大概是因为英语国家的人们在做错事情的时候通常都会脱口而出“oh no!”这个感叹句吧。

for example:

dave sent his girlfriend pictures of himself with another woman, by accident, regretting it an ohnosecond later.


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