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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-13 - 所在栏目: 翻译技巧
记得原来学过一句谚语:a friend in need is a friend indeed. 在汉语里就是“患难见真知”的意思。不过,我们身边的朋友不可能都是这样的。今天讲的这个词foul-weather friend就是只在有困难的时候才会想起你的那种朋友。

  a foul-weather friend only seeks you out if they have a problem, need a shoulder to cry on, a ride to town or someone to watch their dog, but otherwise they act as if they don't even know you.

  foul-weather friend(字面意思为“坏天气朋友”)只会在他们遇到麻烦、需要找个肩膀流泪、搭车进城或找人帮着照看他家宠物狗的时候才会想起你,否则,他们基本就跟不认识你一样。

  a foul-weather friend will never call you to go out with other friends, go to a show or just go hang out, but the minute trouble comes, your foul-weather friend knows you are good old reliable you, the one who will listen when no one else will, and they act like you're their only friend. don't expect the same in return either. when you've got a problem, they'll usually tell you not to bring them down.


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