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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-16 - 所在栏目: 翻译技巧

  误译:i hear that this school is managed in a close way.

  正译:i hear that this school is managed in a closed way.

  解释:作为形容词,close 的意思是near,即“近的”,与far(远的)相对立。in a close way 的意思是closely,即“近距离地”或“亲近地”。作为形容词,closed的意思是“封闭的”,与open(开放的)相对立。

  例1:我们决不能封闭起来搞建设。we can by no means construct our country in a closed way. 

  “封闭”的第一个意思是“严密盖住,或彻底封口,使处于隔绝状态”。英语可以译为to close down, to seal, to seal off, to cap。

  例2:我们不能封闭信息,而应该很好地认识外面世界。we mustn’t close down information, and we should have a good knowledge of the outside world. 

  例3:英国石油公司的工程人员正在试图封闭一个向墨西哥湾泄漏原油的油井。bp engineers were trying to seal off an oil well which was leaking crude oil into the gulf of mexico.

  “封闭”的第二个意思是“严密关闭,使不能通行”。英语可以译为to block, to seal up, to seal off。 

  例4:警察封闭了通往事故现场的道路。police has blocked the road leading to the scene of the accident.

  “封闭”的第三个意思是“中断或停止服务”。英语可以译为to close, to close down。

  例5:这个欧洲国家由于来自冰岛火山的火山灰而被迫封闭了7个飞机场和几十个航班。the european country was forced to close seven airports and dozens of flights due to volcanic ash from the volcano in iceland.

  “封闭”的第四个意思是“查封”。英语可以译为to close down, to shut down。

  例6:警方封闭了这个赌场。police closed down the gambling house.

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