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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-03 - 所在栏目: 完型 翻译

  误译:the record company has recently packed and promoted a young pop star。

  正译:the record company has recently packaged and promoted a young pop star。

  解释:to pack 和to package 作为及物动词,都有to put sth into a container so that it can be stored, transported or sold 的意思,包装的对象物是商品。但是,to package 还有to present sb/sth in a particular way的意思,即“经形象设计使美化”。但是 to pack没有这种用法。例如:

  1.这个女演员已被包装,推出并进入市场。the actress has been packaged, promoted and put onto the market。

  2. 这家报社对把新闻包装成娱乐形式进行了尝试。the newspaper company made an attempt to package news as entertainment。

  “包装”的第一个意思是“把商品包裹起来或装进盒子、瓶子等容器,以起到保护和装饰作用”。动词可以译为 to pack, to package。名词可以译为 packing。例如:

  3. 售货员用纸盒把礼品包装起来。the shop assistant packed the gift into a paper box。

  4. 损失归咎于包装不当。the loss is attributed to inadequate packing。

  “包装”的第二个意思是指“包装用的材料、容器等”或指“商品包装的形式”,为名词。英语可以译为 packing, packaging。例如:

  5.这些货物的包装完整无损。the packing of the goods is in good order。

  “包装”的第三个意思是“比喻对人或事物进行形象设计,使美化和有特色,而更具有吸引力或商业价值。”英语可以译为 to package。例如:

  6.这个电影公司用明星制包装它的女演员。the film studio used the star system to package its actresses. (作者:王逢鑫教授)

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