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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-31 - 所在栏目: 英语动态
 say it as a miracle! an australian mother who hugged her dead premature baby for two hours, has apparently brought his son 'back from the dead', through her cuddles. the stunned parents' joy knew no bound to see their dead baby alive。


  even doctors were surprised to see, who had declared that baby dead after 20 minutes of birth. the baby named jamie ogg got new life who had shown no signs of life after birth at just 27 weeks gestation at a hospital in sydney。

  连医生们都很震惊。在这个孩子出生了20分钟之后,医生宣布孩子已经死去了。这个名叫jamie ogg的孩子在妈妈怀孕27周的时候就在悉尼的一家医院被生下来了,出生的时候完全没有生命迹象。

  doctors said that kate had delivered twins: son and daughter. but the son was declared dead after the delivery as they found no sign of life. but her mother kate did not accept the fact and gently placed him on her chest and hugged him for two hours。


  doctors term it as 'kangaroo care' or 'kangaroo therapy' the way the mother hugged her dead baby and finally brought life back. after two hours of cuddles baby began gasping and opened his eyes。


  according to experts, the 'skin-to-skin' bonding between mother and baby has a tremendous effect on the baby. the mothers are now suggested to have skin-to-skin contact with their babies as much as possible。



  i can't even begin to imagine the emotions of a couple in mexico who have lost their baby twice this week。


  first, the baby was born prematurely and declared dead by a doctor. but after the baby was placed in a coffin and a funeral was underway, the parents heard sounds of crying coming from within and found their baby alive。


  "i opened it to look at his remains and found that the baby was breathing," the father, jose alvarenga, told the telegraph. "i began to cry."

  这位爸爸jose alvarenga 对每日电讯的记者说,“我打开棺材想看看他的遗体,结果发现他在呼吸,我就开始哭了。”

  the baby girl was then said to be in stable condition, and it was one of those amazing stories of hope and overwhelming joy for the family。


  until it wasn't .。。


  three days later, the baby was pronounced dead again。


  the associated press reports that the doctor who originally declared the baby's death is under investigation。


  i should hope so. how can a doctor mistake a living being, one who is strong enough to cry out loud even, for one who is dead? did he think the baby would be better off dead, or was he just careless? 


  for a family to be put through such tragedy and emotional upheaval twice is unconscionable.  


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