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http://www.yiyingyu.com - 发布时间:2010-08-27 - 所在栏目: 职场英语
snow: what positions have you held before?

  ben: i have been a salesman. but now, i can do public relations。

  snow: how many places have you worked altogether?

  ben: three。

  snow: would you give me a general description of your present job?

  ben: i am in charge of the trading department, handling invoices, shipping bills and computing freight costs。

  snow: what made you decide to change your job?

  peter: i am working in a small company where further promotion is impossible, so i decided to change my job. i'd like to find a job which is more challenging。


  1. what positions have you held before? 就是"你以前是做什么工作的"。hold a certain position,"做某个职位"。

  2. i can do public relations,可以做公关工作。表示"做某种工作",就在do后面加上职位的名称就可以了。

  3. how many places have you worked altogether? 你以前一共在几个地方工作过?也就是问你已经换过几份工作了?

  4. would you give me a general description of your present job? 你能描述你一下你现在的工作吗?也就是想了解一下你现在的工作状况。

  5. ben把自己的工作简单地描述了一下,主要是负责了哪些事情,这是考官最想听到的,不用面面俱到,be in charge of something,负责某事,也可以说be responsible for something。

  6. would you give me a general description of your present job? 那你为什么要辞职呢?ben回答说现在的公司没有什么晋升的机会了,他希望找一份更加有挑战性的工作。陈述你辞职的原因的时候,只要说出最主要原因就可以了,千万不要把以前公司的所有缺点意义罗列,特别是不要说以前上司和同事的坏话,这样会给考官留下非常不好的印象。

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